About Dyer Quarry, Inc.
Dyer Quarry, Inc. is located in Robeson Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. The Dyer aggregate deposit is located within the Northern diabase sheet.
Current mineral extraction at Dyer Quarry consist of diabase, an igneous hard stone commonly referred to as trap rock. It is utilized primarily for railroad ballast and construction aggregate.
The Quarry is located on 525 acres of land and contains approximately 100 million tons of permitted diabase reserves. The facility is strategically located and serviced by Norfolk Southern Rail lines. Dyer has adequate rail sidings and its own locomotive to handle up to 200 rail cars at a time, loading at a rate of 1,000 ton per hour. This coupled with more than adequate trucking and truck loading facilities insures Dyer the ability to be a major supplier of hard stone throughout the Northeast region.
Dyer produces a wide variety of aggregate sizes meeting PA, NJ, DE, MD DOT's and AASHTO requirements. The recent completion of two new hydraulic truck scales along with a new scale/office facility insures the efficient movement of trucked, as well as rail shipped materials providing the ability to efficiently supply all aggregate needs.
Safety First
Above all, Dyer Quarry, Inc. strives to maintain a healthful and supportive work environment. Safety is a constant and central concern across all of our operations.
View our principlesOur Products
Dyer Quarry provides quality crushed aggregates for Eastern PA and New Jersey.
See our productsOur Facilities
Dyer Quarry maintains state-of-the-art facilities for producing and shipping quality crushed aggregates.
See our facilities